Wednesday, March 19, 2014

30 Things About Leia - We Miss You

  1. She will press her nose as close to the dining table as physically close as possible when we're eating
  2. She is scared of small, moving, things - example bugs, electronic mouse - she'll bat at it with her paws and bark and do her silly butt dance 
  3. She loves it when you blow on her face
  4. If you scratch underneath her belly, she pulls her entire face backHer ears pulled back
  5. She only likes ground beef canned food - she can tell if it's turkey, lamb... or something she doesn't like
  6. She likes pomegranates
  7. She loves watermelon, but you have to give her small pieces at a time - if the pieces are too big, she'll spits them out
  8. She only likes boiled carrots, potatoes if they were boiled in chicken/beef broth - not water
  9. She has chronic skin problems because she was dumped in a cement bucket when she was a few weeks old, so she loves when you scratch her back
  10. She likes to pick your legs up and put them on her back - foot scratches
  11. She's smelly - yet she wants to be right next to you
  12. She sucks on her blanket
  13. She loves squeak toys
  14. She will growl and bark at you if you leave the house without her
  15. She will wait by the door for Henry when he leaves
  16. She can walk next to you without a leash
  17. She doesn't like dark skinned men - more than others...
  18. She'll only chase a squirrel or cat if you point it out to her
  19. She has a puppy face even at 9 years old
  20. She has tiny un-proportionally sized paws....
  21. She knows sit, back up, quiet, search, no (sometimes) and out
  22. She gets really excited when she sees you grab her leash
  23. She loves the snow
  24. She doesn't like to be outside long when it's cold - she'll drag you back home
  25. If she's super excited for her walk, she'll drag you down the flight of steps... 
  26. She knows when you're taking a picture of her - and she won't look at you
  27. She'll jump onto your bed when you leave
  28. She has the biggest brown eyes - so full of love, soul, and mischief
  29. She knows how to pick out food even if you mix it up
  30. She's food and toy aggressive 
  31. She will guard a toy and hold it in her mouth for days at a time
  32. She always did these big human-like *sigh* as if she's too good for you 
  33. She knows how to move her little brown eyebrows 
  34. She doesn't like it when you close the door on her
  35. She gets jealous if she sees me hugging/kissing Ryan
  36. If Ryan and I ever play-fight, she would defend Ryan, even if I was the one getting beat up 
  37. She defends whoever is getting screamed at (during an argument, etc)
  38. She barks at her reflection (in the TV, etc)
  39. She tries to attack the TV sometimes, if dogs, horses, etc, are on
  40. She loves it when you hug her