If you read my blog you can guess I attend college. I have the typical college life. I live with 3 other girls in a "suite." My chest tightens even calling it a "suite" because there are so many issues with it, and none of the comfort associated with the term (anyways off topic).
I wrote this for "real" people like my roommate, who owns a betta fish in her room. I have taken over the duty of taking care of it because of the lack of care, and just because I love fish/pets.
Let me tell you a story... she loves fish/marine life. She is so passionate about underwater life that she will not eat anything that touches/live near/under the water (fish, duck, clams, crabs, etc). She has fish at home (which her parents care for), so she decides to purchase a betta. She has most of the things, a small 2 Gallon tank, pebbles, live plants, but she doesn't have a heater or a filter. Not a big deal. But there's a downfall to her true passion. She doesn't actually care for taking care of the fish. The water was left unchanged for months, the fish goes without food for weeks, and no heater for the cold winter days. These issues accumulating started to create a lot of issues - the betta (his name is Pablo) started to get fin rot and fungal buildup around the face (yes the face!).
By the time I took him in was too late. Eventually the fungal issues killed the fish. I think even his eyeballs turned gray and little fungal strands floated around his face. At least he died in clean water.
Back to defining "real", I mean the everyday people. Like a student, or just a normal worker. Someone who doesn't want to go out of the way for something exuberant or doesn't have the money to provide a fish the luxury of a glamoured tank.
But back to the "real" people talk, I know people will not listen even after reading this, if you don't want to care for a pet, a living thing, or anything, just don't bother yourself with the hassle of getting it! Why spend $20-30 for a dead fish in a few months? Go buy yourself a bottle of vodka, some weed... a few books.
NOTE: Betta fish is one of the MOST sturdy and easy care for fish, but they still need a few essential "necessities" to survive.
And do not argue with me. YES, they will 'survive' if they don't have everything. I can argue with you and say you can keep a baby alive only feeding him/her once a day... A baby will survive if you don't change his/her diaper every time he/she dirties him/herself. And there are parents who DO treat their babies in that situation (parents who don't deserve to be parents... off topic again)
Now you might argue with me, "It's a BABY."
And I'll say "Exactly the same. They all have needs. Except a baby will tell you she is not full filled and hungry in this case. Do you expect the fish to just tell you? You need the knowledge to just understand."
I'm not trying to be a prick, but if you know you don't have the efforts to clean the tank, do basic maintenance, do yourself and the fish a favor, ok?
Now if you have already realized this... read on young grasshopper.
MIN requirements:
1. At least 1.5 Gallon Tank with a LID (Betta's have a tendency of jumping out of their tanks)
- The bigger the tank (with filter) the less often you have to do water changes! (hint hint)
2. Heater for tanks 5 G and more!
- For a tiny tank, temp control is too difficult and you can roast your fish.
3. Low stream filter
- Especially for Veil Tail/Rose/Half-Moons/etc Bettas I notice they're not very good
swimming and a strong current pushes them around
- A regular filter is great for female Bettas or Plakats and Crowntails
4. Good quality food
- I highly recommend the Hikari Pellets
Just so you know... All that cost me $120 (Look on Amazon for great deals)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Here are the DO's and DON'T for a tank:
YES of course! If you have nothing else to do with $100-125.
NO. Way too small!
It's decent... ish
Yes! Missing a heater though!
Ehhhh... How do you even change the water....
Yes!! (What I have for my tank)
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